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Pause. Breathe. Be. 


What To Choose


 Yoga is a practice of the body through conscious movement. We move through the yoga poses, cultivating moment-to-moment awareness and focus. Our bodies become healthier, tension-free, and open.


Pranayama is a training of the breath. We learn to befriend the breath and how to work with it. By connecting with the breath, we enter a natural rhythm of life, learn about our natural pace, and become less triggered by life's events. 


Meditation is practice of discovering what lays beyond the realms of the thinking mind. We experience who and what we are besides the roles we play in life. We zoom out and enter the ocean of stillness, silence and spaciousness. 


I am Kasia, a certified Yoga and Pranayama Teacher and an Ayurvedic Marma Therapist based in Amsterdam. Yoga is my way of life. A daily morning practice is like looking into the mirror to see myself more clearly. It brings me closer to who I am and gives me space “to be at ease with what is”.  Moreover, the practice is an opportunity to gain insights and reflect upon who I am and who I choose to be in this life. It makes me more present, balanced, and connected. I share yoga, pranayama and meditation, as these are great tools for happiness. 


Kasia Bishoen-Kamkow

Yoga and Pranayama Teacher

Contact Info

Kasia Bishoen-Kamkow

Certified Yoga and Pranayama Teacher 

1091 JR Amsterdam

+31 615586171

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